Sunday, June 7, 2009

Mr. Bogus

They say you’re a hero, always ready to save the day
Some say you’re everybody’s bestfriend, always there to listen
And others say you’re a martyr, sacrifing things for love
But I say you’re not, Mr. Bogus

You are the menace who ruined the day
You wanted attention so much, you would say
“I will do things that would make them stay”
You always wanted veneration, glory and admiration

You’re never willing to listen to everybody
Because its about yourself you wanted to talk about
You’re an insensitive blabbermouth
Who don’t know when to stop talking and start listening

You pretend to be the martyr
But little did the world know, how evil you are
They don’t know that you are the burden
Of that person the world thought you love so much

I say “Well done, Mr. Bogus”
You made the world see what you wanted them to see
But you can never fool me and I will show them who you truly are
Even if it means I am the villain and you’re the victim.

Someday they will see, you’re neither a hero nor a martyr
Just a miserable pretender, who lusted for honor and praise
Alone you’ll be..
And I will be free..

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