Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Plastic-made Pinnochios

They are everywhere, mingling with real people.
Pretending desperately to belong
That is why they would do everything
Just to get your side, your interest

But beware of them, my friend
They are deceitful and cunning.
Acting as though they’re your best friend
Ass kissing you every minute.

Do not fall for their charismatic smiles
Nor their pitiful and sad stories
Because all of them are lies
Just to win your sympathy

They would just use you for their own sake
Friendly users, that’s what they really are
They would abuse your kindness.
They never really care about you

When they’ve gotten all they wanted,
They’d show their true character
Backstabbers and money-hungered beasts
Willing to sell you in exchange for a dime

You may have been a true friend to them,
But those mean nothing to these creatures
For they are just plastics, not real people
They wouldn’t know the value of friendship

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